The Now is the axis around which all things with a beginning roll towards their end.
The Now is life, while all else are stories about life.

The Now is the axis around which all things with a beginning roll towards their end.
The Now is life, while all else are stories about life.
What seekers past, future and current always find is the deeper you enter into the light, the more it feels like coming back home.
Discovery becomes remembering – amazement turns into recognition.
The Buddhist teaching of interbeing is one of the most transformative and creative insights on the spiritual journey.
This secret (or hidden) knowledge lets us approach life from an entirely new perspective and be more in tune with the deeper principles of reality.
Do you achieve spiritual growth by suppressing the dark aspects of your personality?
And what is our unconscious trying to tell us when we experience anxiety, dissatisfaction, and irrational urges despite our best efforts to live mindfully?
Attachment to spiritual progress is one of the toughest challenges seekers face. This spiritual idolatry is not something you overcome once and then forget about.
The ego haunts spiritual seekers throughout the entire journey and needs just the tiniest opportunity to sneak in and form an attachment.
Discover the 4 stages of spiritual practice and why getting lost is grace. Losing your way is a mark of growth, not failure.
The Miracle of Mindfulness is a book I’d recommend anybody – interested in Buddhism or not. It’s a book more about living beautifully than it is about this spiritual teaching or that.